By clicking this button our audience is making the active decision to move through our story funnel.
Now, this is important, because it’s a very different strategy than what we used in the traditional funnel model. In that model, you basically trap your customer in the funnel. Once they’re in, you squeeze them through whether they are interested or not.
They might come in off a free + shipping offer, but as soon as they put in their credit card, we would force them to watch a 5-6 minute video sales letter about our upsell. There was no skip button, and no way to complete their purchase of the tripwire without watching the whole thing.
This left our customers with a great deal of uncertainty and mistrust. It also left us feeling like sleazy marketers.
With a story funnel, your reader goes through the funnel at their own pace… and each time they click on the continue button at the bottom of the page it’s like they’re saying, “Yes. I agree with you, and I want to learn more from you.”
It’s a huge psychological trigger and it’s much like my earlier story about dating where I would try to cram as many events into a single date night. Each new location was technically an opportunity for my date (or me) to say, “you know what, I’m ready to call it a night.”
But with each “yes,” and each new location, that trust and connection grows. It creates a feeling of having been through a lot together. And it exponentially increased my odds of getting a second date!
So by the end of the first page we’ve accomplished several things:
We’ve specifically called out our target audience through a story...
We’ve given our target audience a safe space to “feel” their problem, and let them know they aren’t alone...
We’ve created an Us vs Them narrative and have inserted ourselves as their advocate by letting them know we have THEIR best interest in mind...
We’ve price anchored and associated the old way of doing things with a high cost...
AND… We’ve invited our readers to continue their journey with us.
That first page is a doozy.
With that out of the way, now we are heading into the proof section of the story funnel, where we show our customers that our solution is not only the best solution for their problems… but the ONLY viable solution.